Decentralize & Secure the GLITCH Protocol

Validators form the lifeblood of the network.
Earn GLCH.

Become A Validator


Current number of validators on mainnet


Total tokens staked


Support the growth and security of the network by staking GLCH tokens.
Contribute to the long-term success of a decentralized ecosystem..

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Why run a node on Glitch?

Get Started

Step 1

Verify that all the recommended hardware and technical requirements are met and complete the application form. We’ll always be accepting applications, and the requests that meet all prerequisites will be considered first on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Step 2

Your application will be reviewed. Approved applicants will have a scheduled call with the development team to answer node setup questions and complete the transfer of native GLCH tokens.

Step 3

Deploy your node from the pre-built binary and begin validating blocks on the mainnet.

Step 4

Ensure you monitor your node frequently to prevent misbehaviour. Get rewarded in GLCH.

Apply Now

Getting Started

Verify that all the recommended hardware and technical requirements are met and complete the application form. We’ll always be accepting applications, and the requests that meet all prerequisites will be considered first on a first-come, first-serve basis.

View Documentation

Validator Program

The Mainnet Validator Program rewards early participants running a node in native GLCH tokens based on the number of validated blocks.

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Validator Explorer

View the number of active validators on GLITCH.

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Validator Questions

Who can be a Glitch Validator?

Anyone who has the recommended hardware and a minimum staking amount of 88,888 GLCH can become a validator on the Glitch mainnet

What is the recommended standard hardware to run a Glitch Validator?

CPU – Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
Storage – A NVMe solid state drive. Should be reasonably sized to deal with blockchain growth. Starting around 80GB – 160GB will be okay for the first six months of Glitch but will need to be re-evaluated every six months.
Memory – 32GB to 64GB RAM

The specs posted above are by no means the minimum specs that you could use when running a validator. However, you should be aware that if you are using less you may need to toggle some extra optimizations to be equal to other validators running the standard.The specs posted above are by no means the minimum specs that you could use when running a validator. However, you should be aware that if you are using less you may need to toggle some extra optimizations to be equal to other validators running the standard.

Can I add more Glitch tokens to my validator once it is deployed?

Yes, you Can continue to add to your stake to increase your holding in your stash account

What are the types of rewards that I can receive when running a validator?

The staking system pays out rewards to all validators regardless of stake. Having more stake in a validator does not influence the number of block rewards it receives. There are 2 types of rewards: Block reward (reward from transaction fee) and reward from share revenue. All rewards are paid out in the native GLCH coin.

When will my staking rewards enter my stash account when running a validator?

The validation rewards will be stored in your stash account at the end of each Era.

Can I stop running my validator?

Yes, you can either pause (chill) or stop your validator all together if you choose to do so. By chilling you validator you will not receive rewards. By stopping your validator you must unbond your tokens. There is an unbonding period of 24 eras before bonded funds can be transferred after issuing an unbond transaction.